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Inclusive Progress Pride fáni

1.900 kr.

Enn einn regnbogafáninn? Að sjálfsögðu, því þeir eru allir svo fallegir. Þessi fáni er til heiðurs öllu hinsegin fólki! Athugið:

  • Handfáni er á tréstöng
  • Borðfánar eru með plaststöng
  • Stór fáni hentar á flestar gerðir fánastanga
Vörunúmer: Á ekki við Flokkur: Merkimiðar: , , , , , , ,


Hvað er Inclusive Progress Pride?

The intention behind this change is not to replace or erase what the Pride flag was, but rather to recognize the value of all parts of our modern queer community, which the Progress flag does a better job of.

And considering the current Black Lives Matter movement and specifically the focus on issues faced by queer trans people of color (QTPOC) with our community – this shift towards the use of the more inclusive Pride Progress symbol is one should all fully support and encourage.